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Also according to a 2004 journal article Joseph M. Moran et al from the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Dartmouth College, those canned laugh tracks are sometimes placed where real laughter already occurs.
同样,根据达特茅斯学院心理和脑科学部门的 Joseph M. Moran 等人2004年发表的一篇期刊文章,这些预先录制的笑声音轨有被放置在已经有真正笑声的地方。
Over time, applied linguistics has adapted to meet the changing needs of society. It has expanded its scope beyond language education to address broader societal issues, such as language policy, cross-cultural communication, and language planning (Hall et al. , 2011).
随着间的推移,应用语言学已经适应了社会不断变化的需求。它已将其范围扩展到语言教育之外,以解决更广泛的社会问题,例如语言政策、跨文化交流和语言规划(Hall 等,2011)。